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    First Grade

    Mrs. Colleen Downey
    Room 20

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    Welcome to Mrs. Downey's First Grade

    We are going to have a wonderful year in first grade. I look forward to all our great activities for the year! I believe that every child is an active part of my classroom and every child has a gift that they can share with everyone. It is my philosophy that you need to teach the whole child and find out how to help each child academically, socially and emotionally. Contact me at

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    Read, Read, Read!!!!

    Reading is so important in First Grade. Please read at home with your child. Setting aside a few minutes a night is all you need to do to encourage reading at home. Please remember to send in your reading incentive list of the books that they have read. They will get a sticker on their incentive chart for every sheet they complete.

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    Homework will be given Monday through Thursday nights. We will have usually have 2 assignments per night. A math assignment and a Language Arts assignment will be given. The language arts assignment may be a spelling, grammar or phonics assignment. We will also have a fluency folder that goes home on Monday nights for the week. It will be returned on Friday.

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    Snack and Lunch

    Please send in a healthy snack/lunch. You may want to put your child's snack and lunch in 2 separate containers for ease.

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