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    Mrs. Leavy - Grade 3

    Instructor: Dana Leavy

    Welcome to Third Grade! 

    I am so thrilled to be your teacher this year!  I grew up in Parsippany and graduated from Parsippany Hills High School and Ramapo College.  My family and I live in Roxbury.  I am married and have two kids; Mackenzie is 4 and Cooper is 2.  They are so much much fun and keep me laughing!  When I am not in the classroom I love to go shopping and find new places to eat.  During the summer, my family spends most it down the shore in Belmar.  Mack even took surfing lessons this summer!  I look forward to getting to know all about you throughout the year.

    Please check our webpage frequently for classroom updates and exciting happenings going on in our room. One of the new initiatives for this year is posting homework online. Please understand that students are still required to record their homework in their agendas each morning. The online component is meant to help parents, help their children. The agenda will still be the best place to check for homework but will be posted weekly online.
    Feel free to contact me throughout the year at  
    dana.leavy@hanovertwpschools.org, send a note in with your child, or give the office a call to leave a message.

    I'm excited for a great year!



  • Monday- Spelling 3x's each

    Math PB

    Read for 20 minutes

    Tuesday- Vocabulary Sentences

    Math PB

    Read for 20 minutes

    Wednesday- Grammar Skill

    Math PB

    Read for 20 minutes

    Thursday- Study for Spelling Test

    Math PB

    Read for 20 minutes

    Friday- Have a great weekend!

    Read for 20 minutes each night


  • Monday: Spanish (10:23AM) thru 12/6
    Music (2:22PM)
    Tuesday: Computers (12:54PM)
    Physical Education (2:22PM)*
    Wednesday: Media (8:55AM)
    Thursday: Art (2:22PM)**
    Friday: Physical Education (8:55)

    * Please remember to wear sneakers.
    ** Please remember your library books.


Digital Learning

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    Clever is a software applications platform that gives students a single login for all of their online learning programs and resources.  Please click HERE for more information on using Clever.

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