Welcome to Mrs. White's 4th & 5th Grade Band Webpage
Welcome to the MTV Band page. I am excited to have the opportunity to teach our 4th and 5th grade students how to play an instrument in our school band. Students will learn how to read and play notes and rhythms on their instrument throughout the year. There are two performances in both 4th and 5th grade Band: the Winter Concert and the Spring Concert. Honors Band is a select band open to 5th grade students by audition only (auditions in Nov., practices in Jan.-Feb., concert in Mar.). More details will be provided in class leading up to these dates.
The best way to reach me is through email since I am shared at all 3 elementary schools. If you call or send a hand-written note I will receive it on the day(s) I work at that building.Mrs. Jessica White
Mountview Road School (Mon./Fri.): 973-637-1550
Important Information
As long as they are in school, students are expected to attend their lesson on their scheduled day, even if they are missing their instrument or other materials.
The lesson day will always take place on the same day of the week. However, the lesson time will rotate each week so students do not miss the same class. It is the students' responsibility to check their lesson time each week.
Students are responsible for bringing their instrument, folder, pencil, Standard of Excellence lesson book, warm ups/note value practice, and concert songs to both lessons and recess band rehearsals. If a pencil, folder, or Standard of Excellence book is broken, ripped beyond repair, or lost, it is the students' responsibility to replace it on their own. Students can submit a song request form for a new copy of warm ups, note value practice, or concert songs.
All students are expected to participate in Band for the full year and perform in both the Winter and Spring Concerts.
Students are responsible for checking their homework posting on our Band Google Classroom page. Homework is posted at 3:45pm on the day of the lesson. Students who are absent are responsible for looking at the homework assignment posted in Google Classroom and can reach out to me or classmates with any questions.
Snow Days/Delayed Openings/Early Dismissals:
If there is no school, there is no lesson that day. There are no lesson make-ups for snow days; we will resume the following week. However, if school opens on a delayed schedule or has an early dismissal, we will still have lessons. An updated schedule will be provided that day to accommodate the different times.
MTV 4th Grade Band
Check our Band Google Classroom page on your lesson day for new assignments. You will have until the next lesson day (one week) to complete your assignment.
MTV 5th Grade Band
Check our Band Google Classroom page on your lesson day for new assignments. You will have until the next lesson day (one week) to complete your assignment.
Monthly Lesson Calendar
Monthly Band lesson schedules are posted in Google Classroom.
4th grade lessons are every Monday of the month.
5th grade lessons are every Friday of the month.
*times are subject to change based on school activities (assemblies, plays, delayed openings, early dismissals, etc.)