Science 6:
Instructor: Mrs. Talbert
Welcome to Earth Science!!!Be prepared to do some discovery!!!!!
Never lend a geologist money. They consider a million years ago to be recent.
Happy Experimenting!!!!!!!
Tools for Success
Please have a 1 inch notebook or separate place in a trapper for class assignments. You need a 3 hole punch(keep in notebook) & a highlighter to be kept in class.Bring your notebook and a pen or pencil to class everyday.Alternate/Project assignments throughout the year.
- Galapagos Islands Brochure Project
- We will be learning about the Galapagos Islands during our unit of study on the ocean currents.
- Meteorology Webquest Forms
- Study Guides for Tests
Metric Poster Directions[1].doc
Don't forget Meters, Liters, Grams & Celisus are the only units we use -
The Study Center, which meets on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, is a club where students can complete homework and get some extra help if requested. The first meeting is Thursday, Oct. 2 in the IMC. Please print the attached form and give to Miss. Niemsyk if interested.
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Current Assignments
There are no current assignments.
Past Due Assignments
Test & notebook on Fri. 3/11--Finish class work if not finished today--due tomorrow
Date Due: 03/07/2016 -
Finish class work(Mtn. bldg.-don't forget graph) if not finished today--due tomorrow
Date Due: 03/30/2016