• Birthday

    The Mountview Road School PTA coordinates a program for book donations for our library in honor of your child's birthday or anyone special to you.  We invite parents, family members, and staff to donate a book to the library.

    Purchase a hardcover book to celebrate your child's special day and help build a strong library collection.  A wish list at Amazon.com has been created for direct-order at:


    Please have the book delivered to the MTV library at 30 Mountview Road, Morris Plains, NJ 07950, with a gift note stating the student's name. 

    The donated book will be processed for circulation, including a special bookplate commemorating the occasion.  It will be presented to your child's class and your child will be the first to check out this book. 

    Thank you for considering this opportunity to build our collection and to commemorate the birthday of that very special someone.