Mrs. Schenk's Class
Welcome to room 822! We are off to a great start for this school year! My name is Mrs. Schenk and I am looking forward to working with all of you. Please read through the following information and let me know if you have any questions! Thank you!
Communication is key in this classroom! There are multiple ways to get in touch with me. I personally favor the Remind App which we also use. I can send out classroom announcements and this app allows us to “text” back and forth or set up an appropriate time for a phone call. Please contact me to let me know if you need the information to join our "class". Another way to contact me is through email. My email address is meghan.schenk@hanovertwpschools.org. Please feel free to use either of these choices at any time! I do my best to get back to you in a very timely manner! You also have the option to call the school at 973-515-2427, where the office will let me know that you called and I will call you back at an appropriate time.
A message was sent via Remind app with a list of supplies needed for this year. If there is any issue with purchasing/finding these items please let me know.
Soft pencil case with binder holes
1 box of pencils- sharpened
Pens (erasable blue and red)
2 dry-erase markers
4 Spiral notebooks
6 Two pocket Folders
2 one inch binders
2 sets of 5 binder tab dividers
1 container of disinfecting wipes
Daily Routine
Each morning, your child will come in, unpack into their desk and locker, and write down the homework listed on the board. I will check agenda books before they are put away. We will start each morning with Period 1. We will follow our schedule throughout the day. Your child will be out of room 822 for non-academic classes (unless specified on your child’s IEP). These classes include Applied Arts, PE, Study Hall, Lunch, and if your child participates in Band or Chorus. Each of the students will return to room 822 after period 8, if they are not already here, to pack up and be dismissed.
Academics and Expectations
All academic classes will be covered in room 822 including Science and our Life Skills Units, Social Studies, Reading, Language Arts, and Math. Each student will be taught at their appropriate level, based on their IEP. Small groups and whole group lessons will be conducted throughout the day. Small groups are not set in stone and can change throughout the year. Each of the programs we use will provide the footing of our learning, but will be modified with supplemental materials to best meet your child’s needs.
We also utilize google classroom to complete assignments and share links to use. Your child needs to log on to their school google account and go to classroom.google.com to access this information!
Students earn points for each assignment in each academic class. Some assignments are higher in value than others. Grading includes, but is not limited to, formal and informal assessments, classwork, participation, and homework. After three missed homeworks during a marking period, the grade will be impacted. Each of the student’s grades are based on their specific needs from their IEP. At the end of the marking period, the grades are tallied up and averaged appropriately, per class.
Lunch/Study Hall, and Band/Chorus
Students are assigned to be in a Study Hall, where they will be in another classroom with peers. An aide will be joining them during this time.
Band and Chorus mini lessons will take place during your child’s Study Hall on the scheduled days. Band Mini’s are 3 times a week. Band students will also be pulled from class once a week for a lesson.
Specials (Applied Arts)
Each student is placed in an Applied Arts class. During this time they follow their assigned schedule, and a classroom aide joins them. Here at Memorial Junior School, the Applied Arts classes include Contemporary Arts & Design (formerly known as Home Ec.), Computers, Technology, Art, Music, and Guidance. Each of these classes run on a cycle or semester timeframe.
Goals and Expectations
I expect that this will be a phenomenal year! Your child is going to physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially grow. The expected behavior has been discussed in class. Our classroom rules are as followed: Be Safe, Always be Prepared, Be Kind and Respectful to Fellow Students and Adults, Raise Your Hand, and Listen and Follow Directions. Each student also has specific goals in their IEP. Please let me know if there is anything additional you would like to focus on during this year.

Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Schenk
I have been teaching in Hanover Township Schools since 2014,
at Salem Drive Elementary, Mountview Road School,
and now Memorial Junior School.
I spent many summers volunteering on cruise ships for an organization called Autism on the Seas,
to provide accommodations for families with kids with special needs on vacation.
I have experience writing ABA curriculums and working as a
Child Development Specialist for Early Intervention.
I have six years of experience working in a traumatic brain injury
rehabilitation hospital as a nurse's assistant.
In my free time, I enjoy spending time outside with my husband, daughter and dogs, hiking, kayaking, and going to the beach.