Language Arts 8
Instructor: Mrs. Marlene Crane
(973) 515-2427 or marlene.crane@hanovertwpschools.orgThe central focus of Language Arts 8 is to improve students' communication skills. We do this through the study of vocabulary, grammar, literature, and the writing process.
Oregon Trail Musical Schedule
Prewriting: Monday, March 9th
Scripting: Tuesday, March 10th through Friday, March 13th
Dress Rehearsal: Monday, March 16th
Presentations: Tuesday, March 17th and 18th
Vocabulary Extra Credit Available
flashcards for 5 points
wordsearch for 1 point
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Current Assignments
There are no current assignments.
Past Due Assignments
Mystery Story Rough Draft printed for Monday, February 24th for in-class peer eval
Date Due: 02/24/2020