Students will be reading both independent, self-selected books and texts that the entire class is reading. They will respond to the text, demonstrate active reading strategies, discuss with peers, identify areas of confusion and work to fix them. Books will span a variety of genres, and student responses will take the form of journals, oral presentations, reflections, and logs.
Over the year, students may read: The Outsiders, The Giver, Night, Chasing Lincoln's Killer, related short stories and articles
Expectations and Goals
The goals of this course are three-fold. One, I want to increase the amount students are reading- the way to become a better reader is to read more. Two, I want to foster independence as students grow older, giving them more opportunities to apply the skills and strategies they have learned. Three, I want to help students find texts the enjoy reading. To this end, students are expected to be prepared by bringing their class book and independent book each day. They are expected to engage with the text, to participate fully in reading and responding to the text, and to explain their thinking.
Notebook, sticky notes, folder, pens/pencils, DEAR (independent reading) book
Grading is done on a point basis. Each graded assignment will be given a fraction, points earned over points possible. The course average is determined by adding all the points earned and dividing by the points that could have been earned. Late assignments may lose a point each day.
Assignment categories are:
open-ended (constructed response/essay writing assignments in response to a book)
homework (generally one online practice and one written response about the independent reading book a week)
reading skills application (showing active reading, discussion, and reflection- may include chapter notes, discussion logs, sticky notes- these are graded for effort and thought)
projects (end of book assignments, oral presentations)
quizzes (book checks, reading assessments)
tests (end-of-book)
About Me
I graduated from Drew University with a BA in English and a minor in secondary education. I also earned a Master's of Science with a focus in literacy from Dominican University and have been teaching at MJS since 2003. During that time, I have taught 6th grade ELA, 7th grade reading, 8th grade language arts, and 8th grade reading.
You can reach me by phone at the school office 973-515-2427
or via email at kristen.demarco@htboe.org.
Please reach out with any questions or issues.
The Google Classroom is used to post daily homework reminders, and well as study guides and extra copies of frequently used papers. All students are enrolled in the Classroom. If you wish to receive parent emails from Google about Classroom updates, please send me your email address at kristen.demarco@htboe.org